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EPG multichannel

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EPG multichannel

I would like to ask for help setting up config for EPG multi channel.

channel "AAAAA" broadcasts from 06:00-20:00
channel "BBBBB" broadcasts from 20:00-06:00

is this right?

<channel period="00:00-06:00" site="" site_id="BBBBB" xmltv_id="AAAAA">AAAAA+BBBBB</channel>
<channel period="06:00-20:00" site="" site_id="AAAAA" xmltv_id="BBBBB">AAAAA+BBBBB</channel>
<channel period="20:00-24:00" site="" site_id="BBBBB" xmltv_id="AAAAA">AAAAA+BBBBB</channel>

After 20:00 I did not see EPG for channel "BBBBBB"
Viewed only "No data"
In "guide.xml" I see them.
How should it be right to see the "BBBBB" program after 20:00?

well thank you

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thank you very much, it's OK.
I still want to ask.
With this setting, in channel "A", the EPG shows me forwards.

<channel period="00:00-06:00" site="" site_id="A" xmltv_id="A+B">A+B</channel>
<channel period="06:00-24:00" site="" site_id="B" xmltv_id="A+B">A+B</channel>

How should it be right?
well thank you

Joined: 6 years
Last seen: 3 months

no, they are not sky channel.
that was just an example.

multichannel A + B
channel "A" broadcasts from 00:00-06:00
channel "B" broadcasts from 06:00-24:00

<channel period="00:00-06:00" site="xxx.xx" site_id="A" xmltv_id="A+B">A+B</channel>
<channel period="06:00-24:00" site="xxx.xx" site_id="B" xmltv_id="A+B">A+B</channel>

when I set this up, EPG for channel "B" shows correctly, but EPG from 00:00 channel "A" is forwarded for 1 day.
So when I want the correct data for channel "A", I have to change the "EPG + 24 hour time offset" in mediaplayer.
Then I have to set it for channel "B" again.

Would you be able to advise me?

well thank you!

Joined: 6 years
Last seen: 3 months

well thank you,

and it also applies to czech ?

site ""



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thank you,
these channels
00:00 - 06:00 ČT: art
06:00 - 20:00 CT: D
20:00 - 24:00 ČT art
loads well.

You might want to try to get it:
00:00-06:00 HOROR FILM
06:00-12:00 ČS MINI
12:00-24:00 ČS FILM

EPG for HOROR FILM shows me
00:00 (20.4.) Posedlá (drama) --- this is broadcast until 21.4.
but it is right to be
00:00 (20.4.) Neboj se tety Marty

How should it be configured to show the EPG correctly:

00:00 (20.4.) Neboj se tety Marty

00:00 (21.4.) Posedlá (drama) 


well thank you.

Joined: 6 years
Last seen: 3 months

on the "" portal they have been shifted.

that's what I wrote that the channels they are broadcasting from 06:00-24:00 are showing
good EPG, but then when HOROR FILM starts from 00:00 is no longer a good EPG.

So maybe it will not be used in multichannel, but must be solo in app must change "EPG Time offset + 24h"
  Or try another portal.

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