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TVHEBDO.COM need some Updates

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TVHEBDO.COM need some Updates

TVHEBDO.COM need aome Updats

Here's the log file with the errors that some channels ouput regularly:

(  16/38  ) TVHEBDO.COM -- chan. (xmltv_id=SE) -- mode Incremental
[Warning ] error downloading page: Le délai d'attente de l'opération a expiré. (5sec)
[Warning ] Retry 1 of 5 times
[Warning ] error downloading page: Le délai d'attente de l'opération a expiré. (10sec)
[Warning ] Retry 2 of 5 times
[Error   ] Unable to update channel SE
[Critical] Generic syntax exception:
[Critical]    message:
[Error   ] no index page data received from SE
[Error   ] unable to update channel

(  16/38  ) TVHEBDO.COM -- chan. (xmltv_id=SE 2) -- mode Incremental
[Warning ] error downloading page: Le délai d'attente de l'opération a expiré. (5sec)
[Warning ] Retry 1 of 5 times
[Warning ] error downloading page: Le délai d'attente de l'opération a expiré. (10sec)
[Warning ] Retry 2 of 5 times
[Error   ] Unable to update channel SE 2
[Critical] Generic syntax exception:
[Critical]    message:
[Error   ] no index page data received from SE 2

 (  16/38  ) TVHEBDO.COM -- chan. (xmltv_id=SE 3) -- mode Incremental
[Error   ] Unable to update channel SE 3
[Critical] Generic syntax exception:
[Critical]    message:
[Error   ] no index page data received from SE 3


Note: I did not test SE4 but I suppose that it's the same error for all SE (SE1 -2 -3 -4) that come from a change in the listing format.




Joined: 10 years
Last seen: 6 months

Confirmed, it doesn't work at the moment.

Joined: 6 years
Last seen: 2 years

a simple search of the forum and i have this working again, please read the forum and you will realise why the mods have stopped spoon feeding people

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