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NASA Public for UK

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NASA Public for UK

I may have set something up wrong here, but I have tried listings from, &, and none appear to be right.

I live in the UK, so tmezone may need be changed ( says, us/eastern. Not sure if I need to change it to uk/gmt, or something else)

Current program on NTV-1 (Public) is a program called 'Through the eyes of NASA', but no where in my listings, can I find this program.


Can anyone help?

Many thanks

WG++ Team memberDonator
Joined: 9 years
Last seen: 2 hours

I think you want this channels  which are already available as

As you live in UK you may need to change timezone, so try to set timezone=? in the site url of,  you will get a complete list of available timezone, then select the most appropriate for your zone. You will see in the guide.xml time being added, something like 20170828210000 +0200  (a show at 23.00  of 28 aug 2017, timezone 21.00+2) then try to compare to the web site (usually website show your timezone) to see if it match what you see. 

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