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installer V2

Once you have installed WG++, you need to configure it. So it will grab the tv channels you want.


You need to adjust the WebGrab++.config.xml file. According to your Operating System, you can find it in the

WG++ config folder:

Windows %LOCALAPPDATA%/Webgrab+Plus
Can also be accessed by menu icon Webgrab+Plus>Configuration
Linux - generic custom directory (example from install documentation is ~/wg++)
OS X - generic custom directory (example from install documentation is /users/Jan/wg++)

Default there is already a WebGrab++.config.xml file. You can edit this file with a plain text editor (Notepad, Notepad++, vi, emacs, TextEdit, TextWrangler, ...). You can always revert back to the installer example (WebGrab++.config.example.xml) if needed

At this point, you can do a test run to see if everything works as it should. In that case it downloads a dummy channel with just one day long dummy program. (the result you can see in the guide.xml file)


Next WG++ needs to know how to grab from a specific site. This is defined in site.ini files (where site is replaced by the name of your site eg.

As of installer V2.0, there are 2 new directories in the config folder.
siteini.pack will contain the official siteini pack. The same that can be found on our EPG channels page. (Don't change inside this folder)
siteini.user can contain any custom siteini you like. So if you want to adjust a official siteini, just copy it from the siteini.pack and save it here, before making your adjustments

For most sites, 2 files will be available in the siteini.pack. A site.ini and a site.channels.xml file. Only the .ini file is needed to run WG++. The .channels.xml file is only used to configure WG++.

Open the WebGrab++.config.xml file and the .channels.xml file for your site with a plain text editor.

First change the path where you want the output file (XMLTV format). Default it is in <filename>guide.xml</filename>. You can change that tot your own needs. Just change the path between <filename></filename>

Next in the .channels.xml file you will see that there are <channel ...... > entries for every channel on that site. Just copy the channel lines you want, into the WebGrab++.config.xml file. You may copy as many <channel> entries like you want. Also from different sites.



  BBC News


Once you have done the above steps, you can run WG++ and the XMLTV file should be generated. In our case guide.xml.

In the WebGrab++.config.xml file, you can add/adjust many settings. For a complete list + additional info, see the WebGrab++.config.xml documentation page.

For some sites, there are special settings or steps needed to make grabbing possible.
If this is the case, you can find more info in:
1. the header of that site.ini file(look for @Remarks:)
2. an extra file that is named site_info.txt, site_readme.txt, site_extra.txt, ....



(old) installer V1 (obsolete)

Once you have installed WG++, you need to configure it. So it will grab the tv channels you want.


You need to adjust the WebGrab++.config.xml file. According to your Operating System, you can find it in the

WG++ program home folder:

Windows C:\ProgramData\ServerCare\WebGrab
Linux custom directory (example from install documentation is ~/wg++)
OS X custom directory (example from install documentation is /users/Jan/wg++)

Default there is already a WebGrab++.config.xml file. You can edit this file with a plain text editor (Notepad, Notepad++, vi, emacs, TextEdit, TextWrangler, ...)

For now, I would suggest to overwrite the current file with the text you find below. This is a reduced/simple version of the default one.

  Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:29.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/29.0


Download the dummy.ini file and save it in the WG++ program home folder if you want to test your setup.

At this point, you can do a test run to see if everything works as it should. In that case it downloads a dummy channel with just one day long dummy program. (the result you can see in the guide.xml file)


Next WG++ needs to know how to grab from a specific site. This is defined in site.ini files (where site is replaced by the name of your site eg.

You can find them on the website's EPG channels page. Look for the site(s) you want to grab from and download ) the accompanied file. Extract this file into the WG++ program home folder, nex to the WebGrab++.config.xml.

For most sites, 2 files will be extracted. A site.ini and a site.channels.xml file. Only the .ini file is needed to run WG++. The .channels.xml file is only used to configure WG++.

Open the WebGrab++.config.xml file and the .channels.xml file for your site with a plain text editor.

First change the path where you want the output file (XMLTV format). Default it is in <filename>C:\ProgramData\ServerCare\WebGrab\guide.xml</filename>. You can change that tot your own needs. Just change the path between <filename></filename>

Remark: use an absolute path to the file, not relative!

Next in the .channels.xml file you will see that there are <channel ...... > entries for every channel on that site. Just copy the channel lines you want, into the WebGrab++.config.xml file. You may copy as many <channel> entries like you want. Also from different sites.



  BBC News


Once you have done the above steps, you can run WG++ and the XMLTV file should be generated. In our case guide.xml.

In the WebGrab++.config.xml file, you can add/adjust many settings. For a complete list + additional info, see the WebGrab++.config.xml documentation page.

For some sites, there are special settings or steps needed to make grabbing possible.
If this is the case, you can find more info in:
1. the header of that site.ini file(look for @Remarks:)
2. an extra file that is named site_info.txt, site_readme.txt, site_extra.txt, ....


Brought to you by Jan van Straaten

Program Development - Jan van Straaten ------- Web design - Francis De Paemeleere
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