As per siteini remarks: 3. For USA only, create a provider list by zipcode * Skip step 1 and 2 above,set the site_id="xxxxx" to desired zipcode,example 10001 * c3-10001 * dummy * 4. Create a channel list for a provider from above steps,example zipcode 10001 dish network * c4-10001-dish * Dish Network New York So i run c3-32092 and channel line dummy as result of the wg++ run i get i choose provider i want (i.e Dish Network Jacksonville) then run c4-Dish Network Jacksonville and channel line Dish Network Jacksonville As result I will get Network Jacksonville.xml this is the final channel list, select channels, set update f and run wg++ f Video On Demand (VOD) [1] WJXT HDTV (WJXTDT) [4] WJXT (WJXT) [4] WJCT HDTV (WJCTHD) [7] WJCT (WJCT) [7] GPB (GPB) [8] WTLV HDTV (WTLVD) [12] WTLV (WTLV) [12] WCWJ HDTV (WCWJD) [17]