[ ] [ ] WebGrab+Plus/w MDB & REX Postprocess -- version V5.0.1.1 [ ] [ ] Jan van Straaten [ ] Francis De Paemeleere [ ] [ ] thanks to Paul Weterings, Mat8861, Blackbear199 and all the contributing users [ ] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ ] [ ] Job started at 02/05/2023 18:41:49 [ Debug ] [ Debug ] Running on: Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.19045.0 [ Debug ] Environment: 6.0.15 [ Debug ] [ Debug ] Loading timezone data [ Debug ] Embedded timezones source: WG.common.timezone.timezonesdata.txt [ Debug ] Reading config file: C:\Users\mat88\AppData\Local\WebGrab+Plus\WebGrab++.config.xml [ Info ] Checking License .. [ Info ] For License request/update data, see WGLicense.log.txt [ Info ] SiteIni debugging enabled [ Debug ] [ Info ] found: C:\Users\mat88\AppData\Local\WebGrab+Plus\siteini.user\test\foxplay.com.ini -- Revision 00 [Warning ] [Warning ] !! SiteIni foxplay.com.ini contains active debug arguments !!! [Warning ] !! Expect slower processing!! [Warning ] [ Debug ] xmltv input file - C:\Users\mat88\AppData\Local\WebGrab+Plus\guide.xml - found [ Debug ] 0 superfluous shows removed [ Info ] Found existing channel (xmltv_id=FOX SPORTS MEXICO) in the config file [ Info ] [ Info ] [ Info ] i=index .=same c=change g=gab r=replace n=new [ Info ] [ Info ] [ Info ] Group (0) : [ Info ] update requested for - 1 - out of - 1 - channels for 1 day(s) [ Debug ] [ Info ] ( 1/1 ) FOXPLAY.COM -- chan. (xmltv_id=FOX SPORTS MEXICO) -- mode Force [ Debug ] debugging information siteini; urlindex builder [ Debug ] siteini entry : [ Debug ] urldate format type: datenumber, value: |java [ Debug ] https://fng-discovery-b-qp.foxplay.com/fox/restapi/epgGrid?apiKey=qwerty&channels=##channel##&country=##country##&device=webClient&entitlement=%7B%22Country%22:%22(Default+##country##)%22,%22FlightStartDate%22:%22%5B*+TO+|urldate|%5D%22,%22FlightEndDate%22:%22%5B|urldate|+TO+*%5D%22%7D&language=##lang##&pageNumber=1&pageSize=1000&programEndTime=##stop##&programStartTime=##start##&publicationStatus=Published&sortPaginatedBy=displayorder+ASC [ Debug ] url_index created: [ Debug ] https://fng-discovery-b-qp.foxplay.com/fox/restapi/epgGrid?apiKey=qwerty&channels=5829ddf42dc2490a978e970a2e011ebc&country=MX&device=webClient&entitlement=%7B%22Country%22:%22(Default+MX)%22,%22FlightStartDate%22:%22%5B*+TO+1683045710188%5D%22,%22FlightEndDate%22:%22%5B1683045710188+TO+*%5D%22%7D&language=por&pageNumber=1&pageSize=1000&programEndTime=1683132060000&programStartTime=1683045710181&publicationStatus=Published&sortPaginatedBy=displayorder+ASC [ Debug ] [ Debug ] UrlIndex Header-Set [ Debug ] For url : https://fng-discovery-b-qp.foxplay.com/fox/restapi/epgGrid?apiKey=qwerty&channels=5829ddf42dc2490a978e970a2e011ebc&country=MX&device=webClient&entitlement=%7B%22Country%22:%22(Default+MX)%22,%22FlightStartDate%22:%22%5B*+TO+1683045710188%5D%22,%22FlightEndDate%22:%22%5B1683045710188+TO+*%5D%22%7D&language=por&pageNumber=1&pageSize=1000&programEndTime=1683132060000&programStartTime=1683045710181&publicationStatus=Published&sortPaginatedBy=displayorder+ASC [ Debug ] customheader=Accept-Encoding=gzip,deflate [ Debug ] [Warning ] error downloading page: Response status code does not indicate success: 400 (Bad Request). [Error ] Unable to update channel FOX SPORTS MEXICO [Critical] Generic syntax exception: [Critical] message: [Error ] no index page data received from FOX SPORTS MEXICO [Error ] unable to update channel, try again later [ Info ] Existing guide data restored! [ Debug ] [ Debug ] 0 shows in 1 channels [ Debug ] 0 updated shows [ Debug ] 0 new shows added [ Info ] [ Info ] [ ] Job finished at 02/05/2023 18:41:50 done in 1s