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How to get decrypt key

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How to get decrypt key

How to get decrypt_userkey

""" error downloading page: Error: SecureChannelFailure (The authentication or decryption has failed.)
pausing 1 of 4 times for 5 seconds before re-try """


Best Regards.

Blackbear199's picture
WG++ Team memberDonator
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this is a mono problem,update it.

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Blackbear199 wrote:

this is a mono problem,update it.

I could not find Turkey's decrypt key

Blackbear199's picture
WG++ Team memberDonator
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some ini don't need a decrypt key,its depends on if the person who encrypted it chooses to add a key.
besides that..
error downloading page: Error: SecureChannelFailure (The authentication or decryption has failed.)

this error is not decrypt key related.

if your using Linux u need to update mono,if your using windows look in the Usage forum(same one u posted in) as there is a few posts about enabling tls 2.0 in certain windows os(win7 and 8).

Blackbear199's picture
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also if your using windows make sure ur using the latest version of netframework.
depending on the operating system your using this error is caused by one of these problems.

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I'm using linux and i have just fixed mono problem.
When i try to decrpyt_key for digiturk and dsmart i am getting this error.

Unable to decrypt!
Missing Decryption userkey for!!
Missing Decryption userkey for!!

Blackbear199's picture
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I check in the donator area at the bottom of the forums and didn't see them there,u can check yourself if you want also.
send mat8861 a pm as he would be the one who encrypted them and knows what the keys are.

Blackbear199's picture
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just looked again,here is digiturk

I don't see dsmart though

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I can not see there
Also i can not send pm.
Why i can not see that topic ?
Is there a problem with my donation budget ?

Blackbear199's picture
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sent a msg to mat8861,he shud reply shortly

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Problem is i can not send any message.
How can i reach him.

Blackbear199's picture
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I think forum admins disabled pms some time ago.
but you should be able to access donator area,why it isn't working we have no control over,only admins can look into this.

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I think your problem is due to a bug version that was replaced today. Can you try to re-installing WG ? Then make sure you the key for at least digiturk require no key

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Yes i reilazed that and upgraded fixed version and then no more key error but i am getting another error like;

""" error downloading page: The operation has timed out. (5sec) """

Blackbear199's picture
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try increasing your time-out="xx" from 5,i use 30.
this setting is in your wgconfig.xml

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Hello, I am hijacking this theme to ask what is the reason of encrypting siteinis? Is there a proper explanation about the purpose of this encryption ? If you want to encrypt your ini and provide it to your friends or someone who paid ok, but to upload in webgrab forums and github encrypted with a key that can be lost is a bad practice i think ? May be if there is a directory with keys that only licensed users can access it can be ok, but now it is just pure chaos ? Why would someone add additional layer of hardening of usage ? Now i download wg, install, configure and hit a wall - user license. Trying again with proper license and another wall - ini not working... 2 days digging for the not working ini, just to find that it requires decrypt key, and no explanation in ini WHERE to find this key... I think that this is full of bullsh12315tttt

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TUISTERa wrote:

Hello, I am hijacking this theme to ask what is the reason of encrypting siteinis? Is there a proper explanation about the purpose of this encryption ? If you want to encrypt your ini and provide it to your friends or someone who paid ok, but to upload in webgrab forums and github encrypted with a key that can be lost is a bad practice i think ? May be if there is a directory with keys that only licensed users can access it can be ok, but now it is just pure chaos ? Why would someone add additional layer of hardening of usage ? Now i download wg, install, configure and hit a wall - user license. Trying again with proper license and another wall - ini not working... 2 days digging for the not working ini, just to find that it requires decrypt key, and no explanation in ini WHERE to find this key... I think that this is full of bullsh12315tttt

Briefly in reply to your complaints:
1. reason for encryption: there are users selling siteini (99% work done by the team) as well those making, better say selling epg.
The authors wanted to stop the sales, solution=encryption. Want limit the commercial use (should say make them contribute more), solution=license for commercial. There is no doubt about, that the mentioned users, should contribute to webgrab, as well as regular users (we are talking about 0,41 cents a month to be a donator=regular user). Moreover anyone can still run/ make siteini of course with limitation as said before. Last not least consider also the expense the authors have server, dns, time took off the family(it's not a work for the authors/team). Them making money? not for sure.
2. Not finding instructions? Probably you didn't search. Donator's area with all the keys is in the forum first page at bottom, only visible to donators. Documentation is provided both with installation and online (forum bar "documentation") and also in the forum there are posts "how to".
3.Bullshit? That is your opinion. Usually users ask for help if they have a problem, sincerely do not understand your reaction.

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Respond to number one - There is absolutely zero effect with this encryption, because i still can take the code and sell your work. The way i see things- biggest community, more people willing to donate. These codes are just stoppers for new users, they are not helping. License in profile for donations - this i accept , limited program functions without license - fine, no problem. Biggest donation limit - sure, why not. You are not protecting your work, you are putting STOP sign in front of new or lame users(consider me lame, i am not new). IF you sell these ini's i agree 100% with encryption, but they are still free, easy to access , just the keys are bad - there is no sign if ini should work without key or with key. I see a lot of effort thrown in function that will just put people away . And one web gui would be much , much more accepted from donators
2. Why would i need to search documentation for basic use ? Why would i need to register in forum for basic use ? I just want to pay and use, the price is not the topic, the way it is collected also is not the topic, the problem is as that one user 2 years ago removed all his posts from the forum, so if you delete all your posts in this forum where will be your keys ?
3. Yes, bullshit, and also, my opinion count something for me, also an opinion of any user should count something for the creators of this good software.
Basicaly - if you sell your ini's encrypt them, but if not, don't , just publish them in the donations section. If someone take the ini from there he will take the pass too. Or make them work with users license, not with some stupid code somewhere in the forum

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1. If you are able to take the code you should also be able to do ini your own. Again there are siteini not encrypted [free for everyone], encrypted(.E.)[free for everyone] and encrypted with a key (.EK.)[for donators, need a key in config] simple as that , i do not see any problem adding a decrypt key in config just for the EK.
2. If you are new you need to at least read how to set it, it has alway been like that, that was the first thing i did when i started. For the rest i do not see any problem.
The user (a team member) you mentioned removed all his siteini(not keys), because the people selling his work. He is still here helping and providing site.ini. All site.ini are in siteini.pack, we try to keep them updated and in one place. You missing a site.ini ? Ask for it. For keys i mean the one you add in config, not the site.ini.
3. I will not explain here the reasons why first encryption, well I can tell you that there are operations done in site.ini that took years to be developed, we do not want to be public. Hopefully when the authors will complete the license process, will be the only thing you need to set, a "license line".
4. I think i gave you enough explanations, then if you need something or help, open a post in the forum and we will help you.

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